Forum Instructions

Welcome to the CRA members forum!

All current CRA members will have access to the private forum and will have the opportunity to continue to be a member of the forum or obtain access to the forum with their new membership or renewal of an existing membership.

If you have lost or misplaced your username/password or have any questions about the operation of the Forum, please contact the webmaster at:



1. All members shall have their username as follows:  “Firstname Lastname”;
2. Pseudonyms or nicknames are not permitted and will be deleted;
3. You must use the email address provided when you signed up for your membership so we can authenticate your membership;
4. All posts shall be civil and respectful in nature – anything discourteous may have your Forum access revoked;
5. No unauthorized advertising is permitted – should you wish to advertise, please contact the webmaster at: to discuss further; and
6. All previous members who have not renewed their membership by February 1 of the following year shall have their membership access revoked.